
DCPS is preparing students for high-wage, high demand careers. Learn how.

DCPS is providing high-quality tools for our teachers that will raise the floor across the District while still providing sufficient flexibility so that teachers can elegantly adapt the resources to meet the interests and needs of their students.

The District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) is committed to providing DCPS students with an educational experience that will prepare them for success in college, careers and life.

DCPS launched a redesigned credit recovery program in School Year 2018-2019 to ensure that all students have the opportunity to succeed and are held to rigorous standards of excellence.

Download data about DCPS and its schools. Presented as MSExcel spreadsheets, this data covers enrollment, graduation rates and DC-CAS performance by school and subgroup.

The District Schools Television (DSTV) network began airing in 1986 as the District’s educational station. In 1992, DSTV was formally placed under the supervision of the District of Columbia Public Schools media services/communications division.

Free resources & support for students in temporary/transitional housing.

Watch a video on how to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

DCPS recognizes its role as an integral part of our community. In that role, we value your input and have provided several ways for you to give us with your opinions or ask questions on a range of topics.

The DCPS Home and Hospital Instruction Program (HHIP) provides interim instructional support to students who have a medically diagnosed physical or psychiatric condition that confines them to the home or hospital for two weeks or more.

DCPS Library Programs support schools in providing a welcoming, inclusive, responsive, and open library where every student can access and utilize print, digital, and multimedia resources to inspire their curiosity, innovation, problem-solving and creation.

Donations from valued community partners support our efforts to provide a high-quality education to students in our nation’s capital.

DCPS wants to make sure your children are healthy and safe so they can achieve at the highest levels at school. DCPS partners with the DC Health and the School Nurse Program to ensure that students are able to stay healthy at school.

DCPS offers dual enrollment programs in partnership with UDC Community College, GW's Early College Program and other higher education partners.

Often, children with disabilities need additional support and services to help them succeed in the classroom. Some students with disabilities only require specialized instruction by a teacher to adapt the curriculum to that child’s needs.

The data available here will give you a snapshot of progress in DCPS schools, and offer insight as to what’s in store for DCPS.