The list below contains the official policies for District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS).
- Anti-Discrimination Policy
- Attendance and Truancy Policy
- Breastfeeding and Lactation Support Policy
- Bullying Prevention Policy
- Collective Bargaining Agreement with CSO
- Collective Bargaining Agreement with WTU *New in January 2025*
- Credit Recovery Policy
- Discretionary Out-of-Boundary Transfers Policy
- Employee Leave and Retirement Policy
- Employee Rights and Responsibilities Policy
- Employee Services Policy
- Enrollment and Lottery Handbook *Updated for school year 2024-25*
- Enrollment and Placement of Children Residing on Military Bases
- Expectations for School Visitors
- Field Trip Policy *Updated in January 2025*
- Graduation Requirements Policy *Updated in August 2024*
- Language Access Policy
- Local Wellness Policy
- Mandatory Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy
- Preventing and Addressing Student-on-Student Sexual Misconduct Policy
- Prevention of Student Sexual Abuse by Staff Policy
- Recess Guidance
- Records Retention Schedule
- Response to Grievances Filed by Students and the General Public Policy
- Restraint and Seclusion Policy
- Safe and Positive Schools Policy
- School Barring Notice Procedures
- School Naming Policy
- School Visitor Policy
- Secondary Grading and Reporting Policy *Updated in August 2024*
- Section 504 Policy
- Social Media Policy
- Student and Staff Technology and Network Acceptable Use Policy *Updated in August 2024*
- Student Organizations and Clubs Guidance *Updated in November 2024*
- Student Promotion Policy
- Student Transportation Policy
- Track, Field, and Playground Usage and Access Policy
- Transfer of Credit Policy
- Tuition Payment Exclusion
As part of its commitment to students, staff, and the community, DCPS is constantly working to develop and update its policies, and receiving feedback from the community is a vital part of the policy development process. When DCPS is seeking public feedback on draft policies, those will be available on its Public Input website. Currently, no policies are posted for public feedback.